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Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Israeli Major General says Jewish settler violence grown into hundreds in ‘grave phenomenon’
TEL AVIV - The Israeli military commander in charge of the occupied West Bank said settler violence against Palestinians and Israeli...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Israeli Major General says Jewish settler violence grown into hundreds in ‘grave phenomenon’
TEL AVIV - The Israeli military commander in charge of the occupied West Bank said settler violence against Palestinians and Israeli...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Israeli Major General says Jewish settler violence grown into hundreds in ‘grave phenomenon’
TEL AVIV - The Israeli military commander in charge of the occupied West Bank said settler violence against Palestinians and Israeli...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Articoli / Traduzioni
03/10/2008 | 599 visite
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
03/10/2008 | 998 visite
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
This estimate of total U.S. direct aid to Israel updates the estimate given in the July 2006 issue of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. It is an estimate because arriving at an exact figure is not possible, since parts of U.S. aid to...
Articoli / Traduzioni
This estimate of total U.S. direct aid to Israel updates the estimate given in the July 2006 issue of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. It is an estimate because arriving at an exact figure is not possible, since parts of U.S. aid to...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
This estimate of total U.S. direct aid to Israel updates the estimate given in the July 2006 issue of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. It is an estimate because arriving at an exact figure is not possible, since parts of U.S. aid to...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
The war in South Ossetia was the result of a serious escalation of tension and a worsening of the security situation, says the draft resolution of the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly. It also recognises that the shelling of Tskhinval by...
Articoli / Traduzioni
The war in South Ossetia was the result of a serious escalation of tension and a worsening of the security situation, says the draft resolution of the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly. It also recognises that the shelling of Tskhinval by...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
The war in South Ossetia was the result of a serious escalation of tension and a worsening of the security situation, says the draft resolution of the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly. It also recognises that the shelling of Tskhinval by...
Articoli / FREE
Di fronte alla crisi più
apocalittica del secolo, la “democrazia” americana continua ad occuparsi di
clientelismi minimi, di interessi locali micragnosi come dimostrano le 400
pagine del piano Paulson, ampliato per...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard says it is ironic that European banks have turned out to be deeper in debt than their US counterparts
It took a weekend to shatter the complacency of German finance minister Peer Steinbrück. Last Thursday he told us...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard says it is ironic that European banks have turned out to be deeper in debt than their US counterparts
It took a weekend to shatter the complacency of German finance minister Peer Steinbrück. Last Thursday he told us...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard says it is ironic that European banks have turned out to be deeper in debt than their US counterparts
It took a weekend to shatter the complacency of German finance minister Peer Steinbrück. Last Thursday he told us...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Britain’s Ambassador to Afghanistan has stoked opposition to the allied operation there by reportedly saying that the campaign against the Taleban insurgents would fail and that the best hope was to install an acceptable dictator in Kabul.
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Britain’s Ambassador to Afghanistan has stoked opposition to the allied operation there by reportedly saying that the campaign against the Taleban insurgents would fail and that the best hope was to install an acceptable dictator in Kabul.
Articoli / Traduzioni
Britain’s Ambassador to Afghanistan has stoked opposition to the allied operation there by reportedly saying that the campaign against the Taleban insurgents would fail and that the best hope was to install an acceptable dictator in Kabul.
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Russia's Supreme Court has ruled that the last Tsar, Nicholas II, and his family were victims of political repression and should be rehabilitated
The rehabilitation has long been demanded by the tsar's descendants.
Nicholas, his wife...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Russia's Supreme Court has ruled that the last Tsar, Nicholas II, and his family were victims of political repression and should be rehabilitated
The rehabilitation has long been demanded by the tsar's descendants.
Nicholas, his wife...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Russia's Supreme Court has ruled that the last Tsar, Nicholas II, and his family were victims of political repression and should be rehabilitated
The rehabilitation has long been demanded by the tsar's descendants.
Nicholas, his wife...
Articoli / Traduzioni
There are four fundamental problems with our financial system. The Paulson plan addresses only one
The champagne bottle corks were popping as Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced his trillion-dollar bailout for the banks, buying up their...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
There are four fundamental problems with our financial system. The Paulson plan addresses only one
The champagne bottle corks were popping as Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced his trillion-dollar bailout for the banks, buying up their...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
There are four fundamental problems with our financial system. The Paulson plan addresses only one
The champagne bottle corks were popping as Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced his trillion-dollar bailout for the banks, buying up their...
Articoli / FREE
L’Irlanda ha infranto un dogma
del liberismo annunciando che garantirà
interamente i depositi e i prestiti delle sue sei maggiori banche. Ma
impiegare denaro pubblico per garantire i depositi dei piccoli risparmiatori,
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
* Deal effectively ends ban on civilian nuclear trade with New Delhi imposed in 1974
PARIS: France and India signed a landmark nuclear co-operation pact on Tuesday, which opens the way for the sale of French nuclear reactors to New Delhi.
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
* Deal effectively ends ban on civilian nuclear trade with New Delhi imposed in 1974
PARIS: France and India signed a landmark nuclear co-operation pact on Tuesday, which opens the way for the sale of French nuclear reactors to New Delhi.
Articoli / Traduzioni
* Deal effectively ends ban on civilian nuclear trade with New Delhi imposed in 1974
PARIS: France and India signed a landmark nuclear co-operation pact on Tuesday, which opens the way for the sale of French nuclear reactors to New Delhi.
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
After months of speculation about his political future, Mayor Michael Bloomberg plans to announce on Thursday morning that he will seek a third term as mayor, according to three people who have been told of his plans.
The extraordinary move...
Articoli / Traduzioni
After months of speculation about his political future, Mayor Michael Bloomberg plans to announce on Thursday morning that he will seek a third term as mayor, according to three people who have been told of his plans.
The extraordinary move...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
After months of speculation about his political future, Mayor Michael Bloomberg plans to announce on Thursday morning that he will seek a third term as mayor, according to three people who have been told of his plans.
The extraordinary move...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Ireland’s government on Tuesday unveiled a wide-ranging guarantee arrangement to safeguard the deposits and debts at six financial institutions in response to turmoil in the financial markets.
The scheme, which guarantees an estimated...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Ireland’s government on Tuesday unveiled a wide-ranging guarantee arrangement to safeguard the deposits and debts at six financial institutions in response to turmoil in the financial markets.
The scheme, which guarantees an estimated...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Ireland’s government on Tuesday unveiled a wide-ranging guarantee arrangement to safeguard the deposits and debts at six financial institutions in response to turmoil in the financial markets.
The scheme, which guarantees an estimated...
Articoli / FREE
Una presidenza che ha detto
troppe volte «abbiate paura» fin dall’11 settembre 2001, stavolta, non è
riuscita a piegare con la paura la nazione e il conngresso neanche con
l'appello ufficiali delle 7.30 di mattina....
Articoli / Traduzioni
"Signor Portavoce, mi rendo conto che ci troviamo sotto Legge Marziale, come dichiarato dal portavoce la notte scorsa."
Testo e traduzione del One-minute speech, un intervento (discorso) di un minuto al microfono del Congresso. E' un...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
"Signor Portavoce, mi rendo conto che ci troviamo sotto Legge Marziale, come dichiarato dal portavoce la notte scorsa."
Testo e traduzione del One-minute speech, un intervento (discorso) di un minuto al microfono del Congresso. E' un...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
"Signor Portavoce, mi rendo conto che ci troviamo sotto Legge Marziale, come dichiarato dal portavoce la notte scorsa."
Testo e traduzione del One-minute speech, un intervento (discorso) di un minuto al microfono del Congresso. E' un...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
30/09/2008 | 876 visite
Articoli / FREE
Il primo ministro cinese si è
fatto intervistare dalla CNN per la prima volta in cinque anni per chidere
colloqui pacifici con l’Iran anzichè intimidazione. E’ il primo segnale di come
l’implosione finanziaria...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Al Presidente della Camera dei Rappresentanti e al Presidente pro tempore del Senato:
Come economisti vogliamo esprimere al Congresso la nostra grande preoccupazione per il piano proposto dal segretario al Tesoro Paulson per affrontare la...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Al Presidente della Camera dei Rappresentanti e al Presidente pro tempore del Senato:
Come economisti vogliamo esprimere al Congresso la nostra grande preoccupazione per il piano proposto dal segretario al Tesoro Paulson per affrontare la...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Al Presidente della Camera dei Rappresentanti e al Presidente pro tempore del Senato:
Come economisti vogliamo esprimere al Congresso la nostra grande preoccupazione per il piano proposto dal segretario al Tesoro Paulson per affrontare la...
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