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Articoli / FREE
A forza di salvataggi di banche, acquisto di attivi tossici,
ricapitalizzazioni, acquisti di mutui insolventi, prestiti a banche che
non si prestano più tra loro, gli USA hanno impegnato 8,5 trilioni di
dollari. Ossia 8.500...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
BEIJING – China warned Wednesday it would not keep lending money to the US economy indefinitely, even as new data showed it had consolidated its position as the top buyer of American government bonds.
"China's increased purchase of...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
BEIJING – China warned Wednesday it would not keep lending money to the US economy indefinitely, even as new data showed it had consolidated its position as the top buyer of American government bonds.
"China's increased purchase of...
Articoli / Traduzioni
BEIJING – China warned Wednesday it would not keep lending money to the US economy indefinitely, even as new data showed it had consolidated its position as the top buyer of American government bonds.
"China's increased purchase of...
Articoli / FREE
E’ il tempo delle grandi
illegalità, l’ultimo atto dello stato capitalista terminale è il saccheggio dei
cittadini suoi e altrui: la FED comprerà direttamente i Buoni del Tesoro
americano. Un vero e proprio...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Call any Jewish friend across the few days and the degrees of separation from someone financially devastated by Bernie Madoff are often only one or two. One rich Jewish friend in New York volunteers that because of some intricate family dispute his...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Call any Jewish friend across the few days and the degrees of separation from someone financially devastated by Bernie Madoff are often only one or two. One rich Jewish friend in New York volunteers that because of some intricate family dispute his...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Call any Jewish friend across the few days and the degrees of separation from someone financially devastated by Bernie Madoff are often only one or two. One rich Jewish friend in New York volunteers that because of some intricate family dispute his...
Articoli / Politica Interna
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
En quatre jours, plus de 13 000 Turcs ont signé la pétition lancée, lundi 15 décembre, sur Internet. "Ma conscience ne peut pas accepter que l'on reste indifférent et que l'on nie la "grande...
Articoli / Traduzioni
En quatre jours, plus de 13 000 Turcs ont signé la pétition lancée, lundi 15 décembre, sur Internet. "Ma conscience ne peut pas accepter que l'on reste indifférent et que l'on nie la "grande...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
En quatre jours, plus de 13 000 Turcs ont signé la pétition lancée, lundi 15 décembre, sur Internet. "Ma conscience ne peut pas accepter que l'on reste indifférent et que l'on nie la "grande...
Articoli / FREE
L'estremo occidente senza più religione, vede nel mondo musulmano l’ultimo grande «irrazionale», il residuale «non maturo» e omologabile. Giuda sperava che un anno e mezzo di fame, di crisi della...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Russian energy giant, Gazprom, says it will stop gas supplies to Ukraine starting January 1, until the country pays off its $2 Billion gas debt for supplies in November and December, and a new contract is concluded.
On Thursday Gazprom...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Russian energy giant, Gazprom, says it will stop gas supplies to Ukraine starting January 1, until the country pays off its $2 Billion gas debt for supplies in November and December, and a new contract is concluded.
On Thursday Gazprom...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Russian energy giant, Gazprom, says it will stop gas supplies to Ukraine starting January 1, until the country pays off its $2 Billion gas debt for supplies in November and December, and a new contract is concluded.
On Thursday Gazprom...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Couple of weeks ago I mentioned the new style Israel is using to commit its war crimes. This video from Ha'aretz shows the Israeli terrorist females in action using latest Israeli weapons against Gazans - "The Seer Shoots:"
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Couple of weeks ago I mentioned the new style Israel is using to commit its war crimes. This video from Ha'aretz shows the Israeli terrorist females in action using latest Israeli weapons against Gazans - "The Seer Shoots:"
Articoli / Traduzioni
Couple of weeks ago I mentioned the new style Israel is using to commit its war crimes. This video from Ha'aretz shows the Israeli terrorist females in action using latest Israeli weapons against Gazans - "The Seer Shoots:"
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Despite the facts, the vice-president still insists that Saddam Hussein could have produced weapons of mass destruction
In yet another attempt at revisionist history by the outgoing Bush administration, vice-president Dick Cheney, in an...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Despite the facts, the vice-president still insists that Saddam Hussein could have produced weapons of mass destruction
In yet another attempt at revisionist history by the outgoing Bush administration, vice-president Dick Cheney, in an...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Despite the facts, the vice-president still insists that Saddam Hussein could have produced weapons of mass destruction
In yet another attempt at revisionist history by the outgoing Bush administration, vice-president Dick Cheney, in an...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Feedbacks in the economic network can turn local crises into global ones
The global economic crisis is akin to a power blackout. In both cases, a disturbance in one part of a complex “tightly coupled” system results in a cascade of...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Feedbacks in the economic network can turn local crises into global ones
The global economic crisis is akin to a power blackout. In both cases, a disturbance in one part of a complex “tightly coupled” system results in a cascade of...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Feedbacks in the economic network can turn local crises into global ones
The global economic crisis is akin to a power blackout. In both cases, a disturbance in one part of a complex “tightly coupled” system results in a cascade of...
Articoli / FREE
Se proprio non ce la sentiamo di buttare le nostre amate scarpe vecchie - anche in vista della crisi che incombe - potremmo considerare la candidatura della Parietti, cosa almeno più seria, meno umiliante da commentare, al confronto dei calcoli...
Articoli / FREE
Se proprio non ce la sentiamo di buttare le nostre amate scarpe vecchie - anche in vista della crisi che incombe - potremmo considerare la candidatura della Parietti, cosa almeno più seria, meno umiliante da commentare, al confronto dei calcoli...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
...Aveva ragione Al Gore
In this photo provided by the Las Vegas News Bureau, snow covers the sides and sphinx of the Luxor Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2008. A rare winter storm in the desert left inches of snow on...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
...Aveva ragione Al Gore
In this photo provided by the Las Vegas News Bureau, snow covers the sides and sphinx of the Luxor Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2008. A rare winter storm in the desert left inches of snow on...
Articoli / Traduzioni
...Aveva ragione Al Gore
In this photo provided by the Las Vegas News Bureau, snow covers the sides and sphinx of the Luxor Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2008. A rare winter storm in the desert left inches of snow on...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Al-Zaidi è talmente malridotto e sfigurato (dai mostri di Abu Ghraib e dintorni) che non possono farlo comparire in tribunale.
The Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at United States President George W. Bush has appeared before a judge...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Al-Zaidi è talmente malridotto e sfigurato (dai mostri di Abu Ghraib e dintorni) che non possono farlo comparire in tribunale.
The Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at United States President George W. Bush has appeared before a judge...
Articoli / Traduzioni
Al-Zaidi è talmente malridotto e sfigurato (dai mostri di Abu Ghraib e dintorni) che non possono farlo comparire in tribunale.
The Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at United States President George W. Bush has appeared before a judge...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
I "prescelti" in mostra perche' tutti li vedano
Il violento e volgare comportamento degli Israeliani all'estero è la fonte del crescente odio verso di noi, odio che nulla ha a che vedere con l'anti-Semitismo.
Articoli / Traduzioni
I "prescelti" in mostra perche' tutti li vedano
Il violento e volgare comportamento degli Israeliani all'estero è la fonte del crescente odio verso di noi, odio che nulla ha a che vedere con l'anti-Semitismo.
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
I "prescelti" in mostra perche' tutti li vedano
Il violento e volgare comportamento degli Israeliani all'estero è la fonte del crescente odio verso di noi, odio che nulla ha a che vedere con l'anti-Semitismo.
Articoli / FREE
La Revolution in Military
Affairs continua a dare i suoi frutti, marci in tutti i sensi: dogana di
Torkham, che intromette nel passo Khyber, sul confine afghano, dove un cartello
avverte che l'esercito declina ogni responsabilità per...
Articoli / FREE
«Critica scientifica dell’evoluzione» (A Scientific Critique of
Evolution) è il titolo della conferenza tenutasi il 3 novembre alla
Sapienza, nell’antifteatro di patologia dell’Umberto I. Negli...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
He must be alert to bullying by Israel's likely next prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu
Oakton, Va - President-elect Barack Obama could be surprised to discover that the first foreign policy challenge he faces may not come from traditional...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
He must be alert to bullying by Israel's likely next prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu
Oakton, Va - President-elect Barack Obama could be surprised to discover that the first foreign policy challenge he faces may not come from traditional...
Articoli / Traduzioni
He must be alert to bullying by Israel's likely next prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu
Oakton, Va - President-elect Barack Obama could be surprised to discover that the first foreign policy challenge he faces may not come from traditional...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
This video describes in pictures and words the shocking details of Israels deliberate ravaging of Palestinian life and society in Gaza. Its purpose is to call attention to the plight of a people under siege, which so far has been chillingly ignored...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
This video describes in pictures and words the shocking details of Israels deliberate ravaging of Palestinian life and society in Gaza. Its purpose is to call attention to the plight of a people under siege, which so far has been chillingly ignored...
Articoli / Traduzioni
This video describes in pictures and words the shocking details of Israels deliberate ravaging of Palestinian life and society in Gaza. Its purpose is to call attention to the plight of a people under siege, which so far has been chillingly ignored...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
TEL AVIV - Ormai è matematico: per trovare israeliani felici in questi giorni occorre recarsi nelle colonie ebraiche della Cisgiordania. Oltre novanta persone su cento si dicono "molto soddisfatte della vita" e confermano di godere...
Articoli / Traduzioni
TEL AVIV - Ormai è matematico: per trovare israeliani felici in questi giorni occorre recarsi nelle colonie ebraiche della Cisgiordania. Oltre novanta persone su cento si dicono "molto soddisfatte della vita" e confermano di godere...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
TEL AVIV - Ormai è matematico: per trovare israeliani felici in questi giorni occorre recarsi nelle colonie ebraiche della Cisgiordania. Oltre novanta persone su cento si dicono "molto soddisfatte della vita" e confermano di godere...
Articoli / Copia di Worldwide
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday that his country will never recognize Israel and is ready to hold talks with those urging an end to Israeli crimes, occupation, aggression, ideology and Zionism. "Whoever is to talk with the...
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