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Israeli’s Imprison Cat For Aiding Palestinian Prisoners
Israeli’s Imprison Cat For Aiding Palestinian Prisoners
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Israele mette in prigione gatto... aiutava detenuti palestinesi.

An Israeli prison,The Nakab, located between Egypt and Israel has booked
one cat in solitary confinement as
punishment for its services and assistance to prisoners who are serving sentences in solitary confinement.

According to the Israeli officers,the cat was aiding prisoners by moving light objects (i.e. letters,bread etc) between the cells of prisoners.

It turns out that the cat had been providing its services to prisoners for several months until it was exposed recently and so the prison administration decided to place the cat in solitary confinement – the same way they do to the prisoners.

There are dozens of cats living between the cells and rooms of the Palestinian prisoners in several Israeli prisons and private prisons, and apparently the cats are trying to help them.


1. In Arabic:
Al Nashra

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