Israeli media consultant in Maariv: ‘The Haiti Disaster is Good for the Jews’
“Il terremoto di Haiti è un bene per gli ebrei”
This website and others have come under criticism for discussing how Israel’s supporters are using the disaster in Haiti for propaganda purposes. Both the websites Hybrid States and War in Context
have already rebutted this criticism head on, and it seems that the
article below provides amazing confirmation of this disturbing trend in
Israeli hasbara.
The following article appeared in Maariv, Israel’s second most popular newspaper, and was written by Tamir Haas who identifies himself as a "publicist" and "media consultant." It was translated into English by Shmuel Sermoneta-Gertel.
The Painful Truth: The Haiti Disaster is Good for the Jews
As sorry as we are about the horror in Haiti, the current positive
attitude to Israel – thanks to the IDF delegation – shows that the
country must engage in proactive as well as reactive hasbara.
Tamir Haas 21/1/2010, Maariv-NRG
At a time when our country is under media attack on the basis of
harsh and anti-Semitic reports, and we are forced to contend with
terrorists who have assumed the winning image of victims of war, one
could say that the Haiti disaster is the best thing that could have
happened to us. So why are blood, destruction, poverty, hunger and
orphans good for the Jewish State? First of all because global
attention has been drawn elsewhere and the international media have a
more interesting story to cover. Second, because every disaster-area
needs a hero, and right now we are it. I must admit that I would not be
surprised if the image aspect of setting up a hospital in Haiti, as
well as the IDF rescue efforts, was given greater weight than
humanitarian considerations. If I am right, then finally, someone in
the Knesset has done the right thing, deciding to take advantage of the
opportunity to prove to the world how kindhearted and capable we are.
And if the Foreign Ministry manages to make further use of the Israeli
success stories in Haiti and market them to the world, all the better.
We can only hope that none of our talented politicians is caught in
front of a camera saying “We showed the world. We were really awesome
in Haiti,” or something like that – a distinct possibility considering
the recent mess with the Turks. Better to be modest.
Those in Charge Don’t see Hasbara as Warfare
The tough question raised by our success in Haiti is why we do well
in the media only when we have the opportunity to star in another
country’s disaster, and not on a regular basis? After all, you can’t
have a natural disaster every day. The answer to the question is a lack
of concerted effort to garner sympathy from the countries of the world,
alongside behaviour that actually creates antagonism, such as
humiliating ambassadors on camera. Before criticizing current hasbara
practice however, we must realize that our biggest problem lies in the
way we approach the entire issue of image. First of all, our elected
representatives see themselves as politicians rather than statesmen,
and so prefer to focus on their own personal interests, rather than on
those of the country. Every Israeli citizen is knows this, to the point
that we can’t stand our own leaders, so why does it come as surprise
that the rest of the world isn’t too crazy about us either? Second,
those in charge of the country’s PR don’t see hasbara as warfare, just
like any military operation, intended to safeguard and promote our
national and security interests. If hasbara were to receive the
attention it deserves, with the kind of funding that security gets, our
media performance would be better, Foreign Ministry officials would be
more professional, foreign ministers would not act like rookies, and
most importantly, we would have long-term plans and strategies.
Proof of Amateurishness and Lack of Professionalism
You want proof of the amateurishness and lack of professionalism I’m
talking about? Here: “Hasbara is the responsibility of the IDF, not the
Foreign Ministry”. This is what Danny Ayalon told participants at a
recent conference of the Israel Public Relations Association. Does this
mean that there is no hasbara coordination between the IDF and the
Foreign Ministry? Is this how Ayalon washes his hands of Israel’s image
problem? If so, is it any wonder that he behaves so recklessly, setting
the Turkish Prime Minister up for a slam dunk? After all, he seems to
think that the consequences, in terms of Israel’s image, are not his
responsibility. In the above statement, Ayalon doesn’t even bother to
hand some of the responsibility to Information Minister Yuli Edelstein.
If the Foreign Ministry doesn’t give a damn about the Information
Ministry, why should anyone else?
We have to stop concentrating all of our efforts on reaction and
start taking the initiative. There are a lot of things we can do to
facilitate hasbara: subsidizing tourism from countries in which Israel
suffers from a relatively poor image, or a hasbara unit that would
focus on marketing the stories of victims of terrorism (like they do in
Gaza), or hasbara designed specifically to appeal to countries with
strategic importance, etc. But before we do anything, we must first
understand that hasbara is war and should be treated like any other
aspect of homeland security. After that, we can move forward.
by Adam Horowitz
Note that Richard Silverstein is on this story too.
Source > Mondoweiss | jan 24