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Israel grants millions to Jewish settlers on West Bank
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The Israeli government has listed several Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank as "national priority zones", entitling the communities to more than £25 million in extra state funding.

The decision is certain to stir anger among Palestinians just weeks after Israel instituted a 10-month moratorium on new building permits in the settlements following months of US pressure.

The cabinet vote on Sunday followed days of unrest and demonstrations by settlers and the Israeli Right who believe they have been betrayed by Benjamin Netanyahu's government.

The cabinet had been expected to approve the proposal during its morning session, but delayed the vote amid disagreements over which communities inside Israel should be included on the list.

The cabinet also decided to create a commission that will decide within 30 days on whether to include Askhelon and other communities on the list, officials said.

The new credits will benefit 110,000 settlers and can be used for vocational training programmes and other educational or cultural activities.

The communities affected on Sunday are mainly outside the large settlement blocs Israel wants to annex under any peace accord with the Palestinians.

Source >  World of Technology | dec 13

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