How Goldman Sachs Helped Greece to Mask its True Debt
Spiegel Online
12 Febbraio 2010
Goldman Sachs ha aiutato la Grecia a falsare i bilanci. Mascalzone seriale e globale
Goldman Sachs helped the Greek government
to mask the true extent of its deficit with the help of a derivatives
deal that legally circumvented the EU Maastricht deficit rules. At some
point the so-called cross currency swaps will mature, and swell the
country's already bloated deficit.
Greeks aren't very welcome in the Rue Alphones Weicker in
Luxembourg. It's home to Eurostat, the European Union's statistical
office. The number crunchers there are deeply annoyed with Athens.
Investigative reports state that important data "cannot be confirmed"
or has been requested but "not received."
Creative accounting took priority when it came to totting up
government debt.Since
1999, the Maastricht rules threaten to slap hefty fines on euro member
countries that exceed the budget deficit limit of three percent of
gross domestic product. Total government debt mustn't exceed 60
The Greeks have never managed to stick to the 60 percent debt
limit, and they only adhered to the three percent deficit ceiling with
the help of blatant balance sheet cosmetics. One time, gigantic
military expenditures were left out, and another time billions in
hospital debt. After recalculating the figures, the experts at Eurostat
consistently came up with the same results: In truth, the deficit each
year has been far greater than the three percent limit. In 2009, it
exploded to over 12 percent.
Now, though, it looks like the Greek figure jugglers have been even
more brazen than was previously thought. "Around 2002 in particular,
various investment banks offered complex financial products with which
governments could push part of their liabilities into the future," one
insider recalled, adding that Mediterranean countries had snapped up
such products.
Greece's debt managers agreed a huge deal with the savvy bankers of
US investment bank Goldman Sachs at the start of 2002. The deal
involved so-called cross-currency swaps in which government debt issued
in dollars and yen was swapped for euro debt for a certain period -- to
be exchanged back into the original currencies at a later date.
Fictional Exchange Rates
Such transactions are part of normal government refinancing.
Europe's governments obtain funds from investors around the world by
issuing bonds in yen, dollar or Swiss francs. But they need euros to
pay their daily bills. Years later the bonds are repaid in the original
foreign denominations.
But in the Greek case the US bankers devised a special kind of swap
with fictional exchange rates. That enabled Greece to receive a far
higher sum than the actual euro market value of 10 billion dollars or
yen. In that way Goldman Sachs secretly arranged additional credit of
up to $1 billion for the Greeks.
This credit disguised as a swap didn't show up in the Greek debt
statistics. Eurostat's reporting rules don't comprehensively record
transactions involving financial derivatives. "The Maastricht rules can
be circumvented quite legally through swaps," says a German derivatives
In previous years, Italy used a similar trick to mask its true debt
with the help of a different US bank. In 2002 the Greek deficit
amounted to 1.2 percent of GDP. After Eurostat reviewed the data in
September 2004, the ratio had to be revised up to 3.7 percent.
According to today's records, it stands at 5.2 percent.
At some point Greece will have to pay up for its swap transactions,
and that will impact its deficit. The bond maturities range between 10
and 15 years. Goldman Sachs charged a hefty commission for the deal and
sold the swaps on to a Greek bank in 2005.
The bank declined to comment on the controversial deal. The Greek
Finance Ministry did not respond to a written request for comment.
Source > Spiegel Online