Global Warming A Hoax
American Free Press
11 Febbraio 2011
Il Riscaldamento globale viene definito come “la piu' grande frode della storia della scienza”
If global warming extremists have their way, American families would be banned from vacationing by car, lighting a campfire and drinking bottled water. This is not some far-out scenario from a science-fiction novel, but actual plans that are in store for us if the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) succeeds in convincing the world’s leaders that manmade carbon dioxide (CO2) is the “leading threat to humanity and the Earth’s climate.”
Grant R. Jeffrey, author of The Global Warming Deception: How a Secret Elite Plans to Bankrupt America and Steal Your Freedom,* has spent five years researching this topic and definitively proves that claims made by environmental extremists are “the greatest fraud in the history of science.”
Jeffrey, who wrote the recent bestseller Shadow Government, gives his readers the first book to comprehensively counter the claims made by Al Gore and the IPCC, two of the most prominent promoters of the unproven theory that fossil fuel pollution is causing global warming.
Global temperatures have actually been cooling from 1998 to the present, says Jeffrey, reversing most of the temperature gains (1 degree Celsius) of the last 150 years. This 189-page book makes a strong case that the hidden agenda of global warming is global government and is “the greatest threat to our nation and our basic liberties and freedom, as well as our standard of living.”
Jeffrey shows that far from being a pollutant, as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has declared, CO2 is not only a necessary component of plant and animal life, and therefore human existence, but is a trace gas whose concentration in the atmosphere is almost negligible.
The atmosphere contains 78.1 percent nitrogen, 20.9 percent oxygen and 1 percent trace gases, of which CO2 makes up 0.0391 percent of that 1 percent. Man’s contribution to that miniscule amount is just 3 percent of the 0.0391 percent.
“To get an idea of how insignificant manmade CO2 is,” explained Jeffrey, “imagine a stadium filled with a million white balloons representing the molecules in the atmosphere. Man’s contribution from all of our industrial activity throughout history would be represented by only 12 balloons out of 1 million.”
Jeffrey presents reams of scientific evidence that refutes the elite’s claims, including the direct correlation between low sunspot activity and periods of excessively cold winters, the significance of volcanoes, the oceans’ absorption and release of CO2, and the fact “that ocean levels have actually been decreasing and not rising, contrary to global warming forecasters.”
Still not convinced? The real clincher, coming from half a million years of ice core data, is that increases in CO2 levels lag 800 years behind temperature rises and hence cannot cause them.
By Dave Gahary
Source > American Free Press
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