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Europe as We KNOW It, Will Soon CEASE to EXIST - HOW? Watch this Video
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When Gunther told me in the early 90s that the fastest growing religion in the world was Muslim, I didn't see the extreme danger to the world and everyone who was NOT Muslim.

One other thing he told me that I have always tried to factor in to our worldwide puzzle, is this: Many of the radical Muslims are NOT Muslims, they are communists first, raised under Stalin, Kruschev, et al. In other words, our world could easily become communist in government with a male dominated Taliban style religion at the top.

Watch this and you will know that the population demographics are non reversible.

Please think about political correctness while you watch this.

Islam will overwhelm Christendom unless Christians recognize the demographic realities, begin reproducing again. Now do you understand the REAL reason for abortion on demand?

The world we know may soon become another Camelot and disappear into the mists of Avalon.

Source >  rumormillnews.com |  May 19

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