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Erdogan to be Time's person of the year?
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Il settimanale americano Time ha chiesto ai suoi lettori, come al solito, di indicare chi dichiarare “Persona dell’Anno” con l’onore della copertina. Sorpresa: per i lettori, la persona dell’anno è Erdogan. (Secondo posto a Lady Gaga....). L’agenzia israeliana è allarmata.

Time Magazine has recently published a list of candidates for its Person of the Year award and has asked its readers to rate their favorites. Currently topping the list is none other than Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was praised for his courage to challenge both Israel and the United States by the paper's editors.
Rhetoric Continues

Erdogan: Israel must apologize / AFP

In interview with France 24 Turkish prime minister calls on Israel to apologize, pay compensation for IDF flotilla raid before countries can begin to renegotiate ties. 'Israel responsible for current state of relations,' he says
Full story

 The editors explained their choice of candidates in a special page devoted to each individual. "When an Israeli raid on an activists' flotilla trying to deliver aid to Gaza caused an international outcry, it was no surprise that the Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Erdogan, had something to say," Time wrote.

 "Turkish aid groups had been part of the flotilla, after all, but his rebuke of Israel was notable because of his refusal to tiptoe diplomatically around the issue."

 The editors added, "His rhetorical takedown of Israel, which he repeatedly accused of 'inhumane state terrorism,' was particularly striking given Ankara's history of warm relations with Israel and the US."

 Flexing diplomatic muscles

The editors also elaborated on the Turkish premier's influence in the international arena.

 "Indeed, Erdogan's outspokenness was just one of many instances in 2010 in which Turkey displayed a newfound willingness to flex its diplomatic muscle. The ultimate bellwether of a shift in geopolitics may have been when Erdogan teamed up with Brazil's Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to offer a second-track fuel swap in the ongoing negotiations over Iran's nuclear program."

 Finally, the paper said: "Erdogan has shown that Turkey will no longer shy away from throwing its weight around in the volatile Middle East."

Time editors are not alone – Erdogan has won more than 120,000 of readers' votes thus far. Lagging far behind in second place is pop-phenomenon Lady Gaga with only 80,000 votes.

The third spot is currently occupied by Wikileaks founder Julian Assange with 65,000 votes.

The current top 10 candidates include comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, Apple CEO Steve Jobs, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin and US President Barack Obama.

Source >  YnetNews

Candidati a “Persona dell’Anno” su Time, scelti dai lettori

Rank Name Avg. Rating Total Votes
1 Recep Tayyip Erdogan 89 153990
2 Lady Gaga 79 101189
3 Julian Assange 81 72225
4 Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert 84 53217
5 Glenn Beck 39 50869
6 Steve Jobs 68 14025
7 Barack Obama 61 14991
8 The Unemployed American 69 10819
9 The Chilean Miners 53 12588
10 Sarah Palin 37 15739
11 Mark Zuckerberg 54 8738
12 Liu Xiaobo 68 6391
13 David Cameron 37 8595
14 Hu Jintao 48 5688
15 Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf 51 5096
16 Robert Gates 39 6580
17 Nancy Pelosi 37 6768
18 Craig Venter 56 4305
19 Arne Duncan 30 6152
20 Elizabeth Warren, Mary Schapiro and Sheila Bair 47 3795
21 LeBron James 24 7070
22 David and Charles Koch 36 4656
23 Jonathan Franzen 22 6009
24 Hamid Karzai 32 4212
25 Tony Hayward 22 5653

View the full list for "Who Will Be TIME's 2010 Person of the Year?"

Source >  Time

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