Bilderberg Cabal Pushes Agenda Before Meeting in Sitges, Spain
Prison Planet
29 Maggio 2010
Il Bilderberg siriunisce a Sitges in Spagna dal 4 al 7 giugno. I soliti noti studieranno le strategie di propaganda per farci accettare l’attacco all’Iran, nonchè la creazione di un “governo” tecnocratico europeo per la gestione della crisi economica, con piena sovranità finanziaria e fiscale.
Jacques Attali, economista di Sarkozy e uomo del Bilderberg, già presenta gli argomenti che ci ossessioneranno nelle prossime settimane: “L’Euro scomparira’ se non ci dotiamo di un ministero delle Finanze e di un budget europeo credibili in termini di tasse, buoni del Tesoro e di capacità di innescare una politica industriale come quella USA”.
Per l’immediato “bisogna riequilibrare i conti e anche dotarsi di mezzi per ottenere prestiti a livello europeo - come finora non accade - creando urgentemente dei buoni del Tesoro europei, attraverso una decisione democratica del Parlamento di Strasburgo, un’Agenzia europea del Tesoro, che conceda prestiti al posto degli Stati e dia loro una boccata d’ossigeno per rimettere in sesto le finanze”.
(Maurizio Blondet)
Bilderberg-controlled news outlets in Europe and the Western Hemisphere are conditioning the public to accept two of the super-secret elite’s major goals in advance of its meeting June 4-7 in Sitges, Spain: a U.S. attack on Iran and a financial bailout of Greece and other European Union (EU) countries.
But even before the Bilderberg group gathered behind the sealed-off, guarded Dolce Hotel in Sitges, a resort community 12 miles from Barcelona, resistance to throwing more tax dollars at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to bail out Europe sprang up in Congress.
Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) introduced legislation to require the Treasury Department to oppose further IMF “loans” to stricken European countries until all EU members are in compliance with their own constitutional limits on debt—and very few of them are. Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) introduced companion legislation in the Senate.
Just the threat of the legislation prompted Senate Democratic leaders to agree to an amendment to financial legislation that would prohibit the United States from participating in bailouts that are unlikely to be repaid. It requires the IMF to certify to the Treasury Department that it expects its loans to Europe to be repaid. It passed 94-0.
“America isn’t even close to getting our own fiscal house in order, and this is the worst time to ask taxpayers to borrow more from China to bail out foreign nations,” DeMint said.
The Bilderberg-controlled Washington Post called for making the IMF a “global overseer” on May 20. Bilderberg is exploiting the financial crisis in Greece and other EU countries to advance efforts to make the IMF a world Treasury Department under the UN.
“It may take a global agency like the IMF” to address the problem, The Post said, attributing the view to Liliana Rojas-Suarez, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development.
Jim Tucker
American Free Press
Friday, May 28, 2010
Source > Prison Planet