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230 international lawyers taking Zionists to the Hague
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Around 230 international lawyers are set to file a lawsuit at the international Criminal Court against Israeli war crimes against Gaza.

A French lawyer working on the lawsuit, Jill Devier made the announcement at a Sunday night protest in Paris against the Israeli atrocities in the Gaza Strip.

More than 50 international lawyers and jurists are working on a dossier, which alleges that Israel has committed crimes against humanity in Gaza. The dossier would be then taken to the International Criminal Court at the Hague.

The move follows a three-week Zionist offensive against the besieged region of Gaza, which claimed 1,300 lives including more tahn 411 children and wounded around 6000 others.

The lawyers' decision backed by international jurists is a legal response to the Zionsts' crimes against humanity, Devier added.

The lawsuit inquires the ICC to assess the Zionist atrocities against the people of Gaza as war crime under the 1949 Geneva Convention, the French lawyer noted.

"Based on the 1949 Geneva Convention collective punishment, offensive against civilians, disproportionate use of weapons, rise of civilian killings and pounding non-military locations are considered war crimes," Devier continued.

The Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip has provoked worldwide condemnation of Tel Aviv, which has been accused widely of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The International Criminal Court said in a statement on Wednesday that it lacks jurisdiction to investigate possible Zionist war crimes committed in Gaza.

The ICC said that the "court's jurisdiction is limited to war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of genocide committed on the territory of, or by a national of a state party while the Zionist entity is not a member state.

Even though the Zionist regime does not recognize the International Court, the ICC can prosecute the Zionist officials in the countries of their second citizenship, the French lawyer concluded.

Source >  Rebel News | Jan 19

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