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Jewish group makes ADL blacklist
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Liste di proscrizione: L’ADL pubblica una lista di dieci organizzazioni che “diffamano Israele in Usa”. Fra esse c’è il gruppo ebraico Jewish Voice for Peace, che chiama Israele uno Stato di apartheid. In realtà, la lista di proscrizione è più lunga: nella lista c’è la “Us Campaign to end Israeli occupation”, che riunisce 200 organizzazioni per i diritti umani violati in Palestina. E’ la stessa campagna che la Nirenstein conduce in Italia contro i siti “antisemiti”.

The Anti-Defamation League published a list Thursday evening of the ten leading organizations responsible for maligning Israel in the US. Among the names is a Jewish group that claims Israel is an apartheid state.

The league also listed Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), which last July organized a protest in Chicago attended by 1,000 people who burned flags emblazoned with Stars of David and swastikas. Protestors also called on the US to "stop funding Israeli apartheid".

In addition Al-Awda, which fights for the Palestinian right of return and is the largest pro-Palestinian organization in the US, was mentioned for its "electronic intifada" – or attempts to stop Israelis from going abroad. It has also called for boycotts against the state.

Anti-Israel protest (Photo: AFP)

Friends of Sabeel in North America, a branch of the Jerusalem based Christian Arab movement by the same name, is also on the list, along with If Americans Knew, which accuses the media of pro-Israel bias.

Also on the list is the International Solidarity Movement, whose activists are frequent visitors of Israel and which started the Free Gaza Movement, responsible along with the Turkish IHH for the May 31 flotilla, which was raided by the IDF and resulted in nine deaths.

Foxman: Groups not promoting peace

Also deemed anti-Israel is the largest Muslim organization in the US, the Muslim American Society, as well as Students for Justice in Palestine, which graces 75 campuses throughout the country.

The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, an umbrella organization of some 200 anti-Israeli groups, is based in Washington and focuses on persuading the US administration to quit aid to Israel.  Along with these Arab and Muslim groups is the Jewish Voice for Peace, a California-based organization which began in 1996 to speak out against US aid to Israel, accusing the state of apartheid and backing boycotts against it. Its activists also encourage companies to cut ties with Israel.

Abraham H. Foxman, the director of the ADL, said Thursday that "while there are hundreds of groups that organize and participate in various anti-Israel activities, we have identified the largest and most well-coordinated anti-Israel groups".

  "These groups are not promoting peace, they are spreading propaganda to assault Israel's legitimacy. We want to Americans to know who these groups are and what it is they really stand for, which is to delegitimize the Jewish state," Foxman said in a press release. "These groups demonize Israel through various public campaigns. Their messages are one-sided and fail to take the complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict into account. They unfairly attack Israel while ignoring Palestinian terrorism and incitement. They apply a different standard to Israel than other countries, condemning it for implementing policies to protect its citizens."

Yitzhak Benhorin

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